Sunday, March 15, 2015

Bash obfuscation

I need to place info in scripts that shouldn't be readily obvious.  This isn't encryption, it's just obfuscation.   Some of the inspiration for this came from random readings of bash manuals and discussions and one part directly from  Because of a personal preference to awk, I converted the commands.

To Hide Varables

Run the following command with the command or info you want obscured.

1 ) encode the STRINGTOHIDE

echo "STRINGTOHIDE" | base64 -w 0


2)  encode the varable

echo -n 'HIDDENVARABLE="`echo U1RSSU5HVE9ISURFCg== | base64 -di`"' | xxd -ps |  awk '{gsub(/[[:xdigit:]]{2}/,"\\x&");print}'

3)  check it

eval $'\x48\x49\x44\x44\x45\x4e\x56\x41\x52\x41\x42\x4c\x45\x3d\x22\x60\x65\x63\x68\x6f\x20\x55\x31\x52\x53\x53\x55\x35\x48\x56\x45\x39\x49\x53\x55\x52\x46\x43\x67\x3d\x3d\x20\x7c\x20\x62\x61\x73\x65\x36\x34\x20\x2d\x64\x69\x60\x22'


To hide a command,

echo -n 'HIDDENCOMMAND' | xxd -ps | awk '{gsub(/[[:xdigit:]]{2}/,"\\x&");print}'

 echo -n 'ls -lah' | xxd -ps | sed 's/[[:xdigit:]]\{2\}/\\x&/g'

eval $'\x6c\x73\x20\x2d\x6c\x61\x68'

eval $'hex string'

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